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Planet Earth at the ecological crossroad: 7th international poster contest

Museum of Typography

The Museum of Typography by Yiannis and Eleni Garedakis, member of the European Route of Industrial Heritage announces the 7th International Poster Contest, titled “Planet Earth at the ecological crossroad”.

At the peak of the climate crisis, the message of environmental awareness is required to reach as many of us as possible. The poster as “messenger” plays its own part in this global effort to save the planet.
The contest will take place from Monday, 7 November 2022 until Friday, 10 March 2023.
The poster should be accompanied by a short explanatory text explaining its content and purpose. The invitation mainly concerns professionals and students of graphic and visual arts.

The 30 posters selected by the jury (the members of which will be announced soon) will receive honorary distinctions and the first three will receive significant cash prizes.

  • 2.000 euros the first winner
  • 1.500 euros the second winner
  • 1.000 euros the third winner

These posters will be presented in an exhibition that will be hosted in the amphitheater of the Museum of Typography for a year, until the next competition.
The awarding of prizes and distinctions will take place on Saturday, 13 May, 2023, in the amphitheater of the Museum of Typography, at the Park of Small Industries of Chania, Souda, Crete.

Terms of participation

1) Those interested should send their work from Monday 7 November 2022 to Friday 10 March 2023 to the email: The poster should be accompanied by the entry form and a short description of the project (up to 100 words). The name of both files should be the name of the contestants.
The details of the participation form are:
First Name:
Last Name:
Telephone number (with country code)
Short Description (in English): [max 100 words]

2) The dimensions should be 50 × 70 cm PDF, CMYK, image at 200 ppi and should not exceed 25 MB. Otherwise the files should be sent by wetransfer. It is necessary to attach a poster file in jpg format in low resolution up to 1 MB for web use.

3) Each participant can submit only one, original project, which has not participated in another competition. The employees of “Haniotika Nea” SA and the “Museum of Typography by Giannis & Eleni Garedaki” are excluded from the competition.

4) The poster must bear the museum logo, either in Greek or English. You can find the logo at

5) The results of the competition will be announced at the award ceremony that will be hosted in the amphitheater of the “Museum of Typography”. After the ceremony, the results will be announced in the newspaper “Haniotika Nea”, at, on the site of the “Museum of Typography”  and on the official page of the “Museum of Typography” on Facebook.


1. By participating in the competition, the creators declare that the data used to create their work are original and do not include the copyrights of third parties.
2. The creators of the three works that will be awarded declare that they do not retain any property rights in the works they will deliver.
3. The Museum of Typography of Giannis and Eleni Garedaki will be free to re-use freely, for any purpose and in any way, original or adapted, all or part of the material sent by the 30 creators who received awards or honors.
4. Participation in the competition automatically implies acceptance of the terms of this notice.

  • The poster is based on Ksenia Sidorkina’s (Ksenia Auburn) design, from the 6th Poster Contest by the Museum of Typography.
Under the support of:

Region of Crete

Under the Αuspices of:

Regional Unit of Chania


Municipality of Chania


Chania Chamber of commerce & Industry


Historical Archive of Crete

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