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HCR Elections Results – The new Board of Directors

Cultural Routes

The HCR General Assembly and the Election of the new HCR Board of Directors were held online on Friday 17 May 2024.

Both events were supervised by Mrs. Konstantina Alexopoulou, lawyer and responsible for the drafting of the HCR Statutes.

Both events, namely the General Assembly and the anonymous voting as foreseen by the HCR Statutes were organized and supervised by the IT Manager Mr. Dimitris Kapetanakis.

All members who had paid the annual HCR membership fee (2023) could participate in the procedures as provided by HCR statutes.

Quoting Mrs. Alexopoulou:

“The HCR elections were held in a special Zoom platform, with a voting system that guarantees anonymity of the voters.

Please be advised of the following regarding the Elections for the BoD held during Fiday’s GA:

  • 17 members participated
  • 16 voted
  • All 16 votes were valid

The voting results are:

According to the legal HCR statute, the members elected will form the new Bod of HCR & have to meet during the following 5 working days (until Friday the 24th of May) to assign the positions of:

1. HCR President
2. HCR Vice President
3. HCR Secretary
4. HCR Treasurer
5. HCR member
6. HCR Member
7. HCR Member

According to the HCR legal statute the oldest member (namely Mr. de Sa Marques), will have to send the invitation to all elected members for their first meeting.”

Congratulations to the new HCR Board of Directors 

Read also:  HCR General Assembly & Elections – May 17, 2024


Under the support of:

Region of Crete

Under the Αuspices of:

Regional Unit of Chania


Municipality of Chania


Chania Chamber of commerce & Industry


Historical Archive of Crete

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