A Cooperation Agreement was signed on May 20, 2021 between the Cultural Route “Historic Cafes Route” and the Cultural Route “Chocolate Way”. The Agreement has as primary goal to defend and promote the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of Historic Cafes and Chocolate, but is also interested in developing cultural, creative, sustainable tourism with projects, programs, initiatives and campaigns on an international level.
Τhe President of the Cultural Route “Chocolate Way”, Nino Scivoletto stated on the occasion of the signing of the Cooperation Agreement: “The signature of this agreement between the Chocolate Ways and the Historic Cafés Route testify the common effort of both Cultural Routes to obtain the status of Certified Cultural Route of the Council of Europe. So similar in our essence and aims we could help but to lay the foundation stone of a close and fruitful cooperation.
Chocolate and coffee represent two themes deeply connected with the history of mankind for centuries, and of European and Mediterranean societies in particular.
The Historic Cafés have been spreading the culture of chocolate through centuries till nowadays.
We are aware to be stronger now, walking togheter along the “Route” leading to the certification with a new companion”.
Vassilis Stathakis, President of the International Cultural Organization “Historic Cafes Route” stated: The Collaboration Agreement with “Chocolate Way” is an acknowledgment of the hard work that “Historic Cafes Route” has done so far. “Iter Vitis” is already certified by the Council of Europe and represents an important Cultural Route. At the same time, the connection of Historic Cafes with wine and its History is timeless. Coffee and wine have been telling a very charming story for centuries: the story of human culture, the story of the flourishing of Arts and Letters. Historic Cafes are guardians of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage. They are cradles of civilization, highlighting the great history of humanity. The partnership of coffee and wine is a dynamic effort to develop cultural tourism, to give an alternative to those who are consciously looking for something different, something fresh, something out of the ordinary. I strongly believe that the signing of the Cooperation Agreement will definitely make Historic Cafes and wine an irresistible tourist destination with excellent prospects.”
The Chocolate Way and the Historic Cafés Route are both itineraries that pass through cities of art and European capitals of chocolate and coffee highlighting the fundamental values of the Council of Europe: human rights, cultural democracy, cultural diversity and European identity, dialogue, exchange and mutual enrichment beyond of borders and centuries.
Coffee and chocolate represent two themes deeply connected with the history of mankind for centuries, and of European and Mediterranean societies in particular. Since Modern Ages that coffee and chocolate reached Europe, a profound link between coffee and chocolate was almost immediately witnessed by many connections between them and reflected in their culture. The Historic Cafés are the genuine example of this connection, chocolate and the products derived from cocoa were served in their refined rooms better known as the cradles of the cultural, political and civil society life of their towns. Chocolate and Coffee were considered both as valuable products that reflected richness and high culture.
Chocolate and its culture have been and spread throughout the centuries through the Historic Cafés. These places where chocolate was tasted accompanied by coffee can tell the story of man.
Anthropological research shows how the consumption of both coffee and chocolate is important in processes of social cohesion, civilization was built on chocolate and coffee. Chocolate and coffee have walked together for centuries and their strong link continues today, also thanks to the valorization of their traditions and cultural identities, also thanks to the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe. They can offer multiple hints for historical study, cultural enhancement, sustainable commercial and touristic development, with a view to growing local territories and communities, as the main actors of itineraries and stories.
Starting from these premises, this agreement aims at promoting opportunities for cross-exchange between two Cultural Routes that both tell unlimited stories, stimulating a new co-design and collaboration in terms of analysis, creation of combined tourism products between neighboring territories while belonging to different cultural itineraries, local enhancement actions, promotion of sustainable and experiencing tourism, on the one hand linked to local communities, on the other inserted in a network with a European and international dimension.

«Historic Cafes Route» & «Chocolate Way» logos