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Welcoming the Association of 10 H.Cs of Turin

Turin, Italy

Historic Cafes Route welcomes the “Associazione Caffè Storici e Salotti Sabaudi” and its 10 emblematic Cafés in Torino (Italy) at the Route, allocated in the center of the historic city of Italy.

The 10 Cafés of the association:

We present a text from the official website of the association:

“Have you ever sat at a coffee table without doing anything but listen to the voice of that spot?
You would hear the cups clattering behind the counter, a sleepy mumble of those who order the first espresso of the day. Then, newspapers rustling, laughter that suddenly break out, out-of-towners chattering in front of an elegant, astoundingly pleasant lunch. Perhaps you could even distinguish the whisper of a confidence between an unwrapped praline and a relished sandwich for snack. Finally, at evening, the tinkle of teaspoons, clinking in tea and chocolate cups, leave room for vermouth and exquisite wines glasses.

Now, try to imagine all these sounds, alike yet dissimilar each time, repeated over and over for more than two centuries. They have formed a continuous undertow, an uninterrupted story that still flows today, a vital tale always changing, like the course of a river.

Caffè Storici e Salotti Sabaudi Association is born with the aim of recording each of these stories and combining them under a distinguished, trustworthy voice that could dialogue, not only with the institutions of the city but the whole world.

Living a reality that does not fear change, Caffè Salotti Sabaudi form a sparkling constellation, unvarying in quality, passion, tradition, which today, as yesterday, still participates in the splendor of this city.”

Under the support of:

Region of Crete

Under the Αuspices of:

Regional Unit of Chania


Municipality of Chania


Chania Chamber of commerce & Industry


Historical Archive of Crete

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