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Caffè Torino (est. 1903)
The “Caffè Torino”, located under the Baroque arcades, has been active since 1903. It immediately became a Piedmontese drawing room. Illustrious visitors: from Pavese to Einaudi to De Gasperi. But even the myths of the 1950s loved to stop here: James Stewart, the disturbing Ava Gardner at the time of her love for Walter Chiari,…
Stratta (est.1836)
Stratta, together with the charm of the shop among the oldest and most precious present under the Mole, has also kept alive all the traditions that have made it appreciated and made famous since its birth: since 1836 it has maintained the quality standards of its products unchanged over time.  Since 1836, the restaurant has…
Caffè San Carlo (est. 1822)
The restaurant opened in 1822 with the name Caffè di Piazza d'Armi, since the homonymous square performed that function until 1817. It soon became one of the most famous haunts of intellectuals and patriots of the whole season of the Risorgimento, as opposed to the more conservatives such as Fiorio. For this reason it was…
Caffè Platti (est. 1875)
Symbol of three eras: the pastry room with the refined Louis XVI furniture of the Valabrega* company; the coffee room with the 1920s bar counter and the stucco ceiling in Baroque design and pastel colors; the room with Decò and rationalist hints created after 1930. All beautifully restored, even the perfect showcase. The founders of…
Caffè Mulassano (est. 1907)
In the second half of the nineteenth century, Amilcare Mulassano, owner of the Sacco distillery known for mint, opened a liqueur shop in via Nizza 3 and in 1907 moved it to piazza Castello, along the so-called "Portici della Fiera" characterized by a system of commercial furnishings highly representative. It was already in these early…
Caffè Gelateria Pepino (est. 1884)
During more than a century of operation, the company has established itself as an ambassador of great cold pastries in Europe. Remembered for being the oldest ice cream parlor in Piedmont and one of the very first in Northern Italy, La Gelati Pepino was founded in 1884 by Domenico Pepino, an ice cream maker from…
Caffè Gelateria Fiorio (est. 1780)
Founded in 1780, Fiorio became a fashionable meeting place for the artistic, intellectual and political classes of the capital of the Kingdom of Sardinia. Frequented by Urbano Rattazzi, Massimo D'Azeglio, Giovanni Prati, Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour (who founded the Whist Club here), Giacinto Provana di Collegno, Cesare Balbo and Friedrich Nietzsche. Inaugurated in 1780…
Caffè Elena (est. 1889)
Café Elena is one of Turin's historic cafés, a meeting place and cultural debate, frequented by students and musicians and loved by generations of Turinese, which has kept the decor and discreet atmosphere of the early twentieth century unchanged. Housed in the nineteenth-century building designed by the architect Giuseppe Frizzi, overlooking Piazza Vittorio Veneto, it…
Baratti & Milano (est. 1858)
Founded in 1858, confectionery Baratti & Milano was a prestigious meeting place for personalities in science, politics, and art: it is enough to remember Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour, Quintino Sella, Guido Gozzano ... all witnesses of the elegant artistically furnished halls and the thousand goodness that Baratti & Milano used to offer. After more…
Stou Plastira (Pernos) (est. 1968)
"Stou Plastira" (Pernos) Historic Café in the village of Apollonas in Rhodes, is housed in a building of special Italian architecture, created by the architect Dimitrios Margellos. The space is impressively large, considering the initial goal of hosting events. People of arts and letters have always frequented the Cafe. The Cafe was originally called “Pernos”…
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