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Minister of Internal Affairs Makis Voridis, expressed his support for the activities of the “Historic Cafes Route” Cultural Organization (1.12.2021)

On Wednesday , December 1, 2021 the Minister of Internal Affairs, Makis Voridis, paid a visit to the Historic Cafe “Kipos”, where he had the opportunity to be informed about the activities of the “Historic Cafes Route”. The Minister of Internal Affairs was accompanied by Manousos Voloudakis, member of the Hellenic Parliament from Chania. Mr. Voridis was welcomed by Mr. Stathakis, Founder and President of the “Historic Cafes Route” and owner of the Historic Cafe “Kipos”, who led Mr. Voridis around the premises and provided extensive information on the 11th Annual Advisory Forum on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, planned to take place in Chania, Crete from the 5th to the 7th of October 2022, on the close cooperation between the ‘Historic Cafes Route” and the Council of Europe and on the future plans of the Cultural Organisation.

Mr. Voridis was also informed about the process of certification of the “Historic Cafes Route” by the Council of Europe, about the Cooperation Agreements signed between the “Historic Cafes Route” and the “Palm Trees Cultural Route”, the Cultural Route “Iter Vitis” and the Cultural Route “Chocolate Way” and about the participation of the Cultural Organisation’s membership of the European Tourism Manifesto. Mr.Voridis was also informed about a series of articles published every Saturday in the  newspaper “Chaniotika Nea” under the title “A Walk in the Historic Cafes of the World”, a column touching on the importance of the Historic Cafes – members of the Cultural Route. Mr. Vassilis Stathakis informed the Minister of Internal Affairs that he is planning a major event of the “Historic Cafes Route” at the European Parliament, in Brussels, where he is expected to present the afore-mentioned articles in a luxurious collector’s edition.

Mr. Voridis expressed his support for the initiatives of the Organization, which clearly promote culture and operate for the benefit of Chania, Crete, but also of Greece in general. The Minister was informed about the Cafes that are expected to become members of the “Historic Cafes Route”, among them the Historical Cafe of the Hellenic Parliament, but also about the fact that the Cultural Organization is expected to be inscribed on the national intangible heritage list. Mr. Stathakis also informed the Minister about the contribution of the “Historic Cafes Route” in the twinning of the Municipality of Chania with the city of Menfi in Sicily, which is a candidate city for European Capital of Wine for 2022.

Mr. Voridis affirmed he will be a promoter of the efforts and actions undertaken by the “Historic Cafes Route” and remained impressed by the tradition and cultural heritage of the Historic Cafe “Kipos”. Finally, the Μinister, who is a regular at the Historic Cafe “Kipos”, indulged in his cup coffee and the traditional dishes offered.

It should be noted that the Minister of Internal Affairs traveled to Chania within the framework of the events celebrating the 108th anniversary of the Union of Crete with Greece.

Under the support of:

Region of Crete

Under the Αuspices of:

Regional Unit of Chania


Municipality of Chania


Chania Chamber of commerce & Industry


Historical Archive of Crete

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