2022, was a very important year for Historic Cafés Route. Firstly HCR was certified as a Cultural Route of the Council of Europe. Secondly HCR co-organized the Annual Advisory Forum of the Cultural Routes, in Chania, Greece. The year concluded with the General Assembly and the election of a new Board of Directors. But that was not all, as HCR activities and successes include many more initiatives and events.
Following there are the most important events of HCR for 2022.
We wish a happy and prosperous year to all of you.
1. Registration of the element “Historic Cafés” in the national list of intangible cultural heritage by decision of the Minister of Culture Lina Mendoni – February 2022.
2. New website in English, new concept.
3. Profiles in Social Media: • Facebook • Twitter • Linked In • Instagram
4. Presentation in Luxembourg (May 5th) for the Certification as a Cultural Route of the Council of Europe by George Loverdos and Maria Mystakidou.
5. Visit and Contacts in Strasbourg of the Executive Team and the former President, now Honorary President Vasilis Stathakis.
6. Co organization in Coimbra, Portugal, of the Conference “Historic Cafés: A Meeting of Ideas” with Café Santa Cruz and the Portuguese Historic Cafés Association.
7. Visit and contacts in Lisbon with Historic Cafés members and potential members.
8. Official announcement by the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, Historic Cafés Route becomes a certified Route of C.o.E. – June 1st, 2022
9. Invitation by the Nottingham Trent University, UK, and participation in the workshop on the Cultural Routes Program – June 13 & 14, 2022.
10. Visit and contacts in London with Historic Cafés.
11. Participation (video) –2nd Coffee Business Forum | ethosEVENTS
12. Co organization in Chania of The 11th International Annual Advisory Forum on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, October 5-7 , 2022 – More than 400 participants and 100 speakers.
13. First “after COVID” in person unofficial meeting of HCR Members in Minoa Palace Hotel, during the 11th Forum – 5, October 2022.
14. Online General Assembly and elections of the New Board of Directors and the New Audit Committee of Historic Cafes Route – November 28, 2022.
15. First online meeting of the New Board of Directors of HCR in December 5, 2022. Angela Drakou (Greece) elected as New HCR President, Alexandros Delithanassis (Italy) as Vice President and Dimitris Kondoleon (Greece) as Secretary.
16. Participation of the HCR Executive Team in CoMuseum International Conference 2022, December 7-9, 2022- Benaki Museum.
17. Two-day Training Seminar by Ethnofest on “Intangible Cultural Heritage Communities and training in visual representations”, December 8 & 9, 2022.