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Ilias Mamalakis, supporter of Historic Cafés Route


Ilias Mamalakis is one of the most successful and timeless Greek gastronomists.

Mamalakis, who has visited the historic café “Kipos” (garden) in Chania and recently met with the HCR Route Manager, George Loverdos (photo), and the HCR Communication Officer, Maria Mystakidou, has voiced his full support for the Historic Cafés Route efforts.

This is why his application for registration as Member/ Supporter of the Route, as suggested during our meetings, is an honour to the Route.
Ilias Mamalakis who studied Economics and has an extensive track record in corporate management, essentially made history through his TV cooking shows and books, starting with Cook-wise in 1992.

This book forged a new path for him, introducing him to food journalism. As a result, his career includes stints at five media: the magazines Menu kai alla, ELLE, Tiletheatis, Kyriakatiki Eleftherotypia, and SKAI 100.3 radio station on which he hosted the show “O Ilias kai to magiko ravdi tou” (Ilias and his magic wand).
Eventually, in 1993 he transitioned into professional cooking. He has designed products for leading food corporations, among which are the “Greek Mac” and the “Greek Chicken” for the Greek McDonald’s. The Greek Mac is currently on the menu in 10 countries worldwide.

Since 2010, he has been a volunteer at KETHEA (Therapy Center for Dependent Individuals) communities in the Korydallos and Thiva Prisons, whereas he served as a Member of the Board of KETHEA for 6 years, as well as a WWF Ambassador of Goodwill of European Fishing Policy.

Today, he effectively supports the Historic Cafés Route, since the NGO’s Articles of Association also enables private individuals to support the Route’s goals to preserve our tangible and intangible cultural heritage, our European identity, through Historic Cafés.

Under the support of:

Region of Crete

Under the Αuspices of:

Regional Unit of Chania


Municipality of Chania


Chania Chamber of commerce & Industry


Historical Archive of Crete

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