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Antonis Varsos: “Our participation in HCR is another historic moment in our 131 years of operation”


Historic Cafés Route welcomes one more emblematic Café, the iconic “Varsos” established in 1892 in Athens. “Varsos” is offering coffee, drinks and high quality pastries, following the old recipes and using high quality biological products since its establishment.

On January 29, 2023 Antonis Varsos, owner of the fourth generation of the family welcomed in the Cafe at Kifissia, Angela Drakou, HCR President, Marianthi Anastasiadou, head of the International Relations Department of Directorate of International Relations and European Union of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture & Sports and Rania Dalli, Community Councilor of Kifissia and active supporter of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe.

George Loverdos, HCR Route Manager and Maria Mystakidou, HCR Communication Manager were also present in the meeting.

From left to right: 1, Antonis Varsos 2. HCR President, Angela Drakou

“Our participation in the Historic Cafés Route is another historic moment in our 131 years of operation. An institution that highlights, and essentially protects, Historic Cafés as a cultural heritage of Europe. I feel a great pleasure and honor to be part of a historic effort by people who truly love coffee culture” stated Mr. Antonis Varsos during the meeting.

“I would like to stress once again the potentials of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe.” underlined Mrs. Marianthi Anastasiadou. “Through the Cultural Routes, different areas are brought out, get connected, bring into an operating system, different cultural goods, promoting their overall value and relations, while they create the conditions for the areas’ development. The Routes offer a new approach to cultural heritage and sustainable cultural tourism. Along the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, travelers play an active role, becoming co-creators of their personal experience. For this exact reason, in 1987 the Council of Europe established the Cultural Routes of Europe, which have led to all the, already proven, benefits in various levels.”

“I feel great joy for the inclusion of the Café-Confectionery “Varsos” in the Cultural Route of the Historic Cafés Routes, following my own proposal” said Mrs. Rania Dalli during the visit. “It is known that “Varsos” has been operating continuously since the end of the 19th century until today and is a special historical, cultural and social reference point for Kifissia. I sincerely hope that the company “Varsos” will creatively use its membership in this important European network for the benefit of the wider cultural and tourist promotion of our Municipality”.

“We are happy that the Historic Café Varsos, faithful to its history written over the years, becomes today a member on the Historic Cafés Route. Ideas are travelers. They hurry to travel from one mind to another. HCR idea is large, universal and unique, therefore it acquires meaning and power only when it travels. We are proud to welcome “Varsos” in HCR family and continue together our journey to the ideas, without limitations and borders”, commented Angela Drakou, HCR president.

From left to right: 1. HCR Communication Manager Maria Mystakidou, 2. Marianthi Anastasiadou, head of the International Relations Department of Directorate of International Relations and European Union of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture & Sports and 3. HCR Route Manager George Loverdos




Under the support of:

Region of Crete

Under the Αuspices of:

Regional Unit of Chania


Municipality of Chania


Chania Chamber of commerce & Industry


Historical Archive of Crete

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