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Welcome to our new HCR website


Upgrading the Historic Cafes Route website was an imperative, as it reflects the transition from EHICA (European Historic Cafés Association) to a Route with renewed goals in the wider European area and namely the Historic Cafes Route, which follows the principles of the Council of Europe.

Collectivity, interaction, information, exchange of opinions, events, culture are among the themes the new website is called upon to cover.

The website will provide the latest news about European routes and especially the Historic Cafes, as well as information on the relevant decisions of the Council of Europe.

Users will have the opportunity to learn about what is being planned and what is in progress, to read opinions and follow the Route’s evolution on the map.

Given that the new website will be updated daily, we kindly invite members and friends to be in constant contact with the HCR (official mail, social media), to be informed in a timely manner about the events and possibly the problems that may arise, as the HCR wishes to stand by their side and support them.

Users will also be informed about common events and HC decisions at national, European or global level.

English will be the website’s official language but French will also be added shortly.

Naturally, national languages will be fully respected and will, when possible, be used in cases where news or articles are related only to specific areas.

Along with the site, the presence of the HCR on social networks has been upgraded as well, considering that – in addition to Facebook and Instagram – Twitter and LinkedIn have also been added.

The presentations will be made in English on social networks as well, and in other national languages occasionally.

Our aim is to swiftly inform members and friends, and at the same time promote Historic Cafes and their activities to reach a wider audience and different age groups.

Do embark upon this fascinating journey with us, through the Historic Cafes, which highlight and carry on a dynamic centuries-old tradition.

After all, Historic Cafes are not only meeting points where visitors can eat or drink coffee; they are active, living fora of social exchange, dialogue and cultural growth.

Historic Cafes are those places where History is written …

Welcome to the Historic Cafes Route

Thank you very much!

Yours sincerely,
George Loverdos


Technical note: Please note that for the best layout of our new site, a screen analysis of 1980×1020 or more is required.

Under the support of:

Region of Crete

Under the Αuspices of:

Regional Unit of Chania


Municipality of Chania


Chania Chamber of commerce & Industry


Historical Archive of Crete

Historic Cafes Route © 2025. All Rights Reserved. – Web Design & Development by

All material is protected under the copyright, related rights and cultural matters law 

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