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Romania: Press Conference and meetings with national and local authorities

The HCR executive team traveled to Romania (23-27 March 2023) in order to meet with national and local authorities regarding Historic Cafés Route, and also for participating in a Press Conference held in Brukenthal Palace Café, Avrig to present the Historic Cafés Route. 

During the trip, the HCR team, namely George Loverdos, Route Manager, and Maria Mystakidou, Communication Manager traveled to Bucharest, Avrig, Sibiu, Bușteni, and Bran in order to promote the Historic Cafés Route and also the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe. At the same time, along with HCR Ambassador in Romania, Arnold Klingeis, HCR visited emblematic Historic Cafes in order to make the HC net wider in the country.

Currently, there are 2 emblematic Cafés, that are part of palaces, in Romania that are members of HCR. The Bruckenthal Palace Café and the Cantacuzino Palace Café. But there are 5 more to become members soon.

Since the Board of Directors appointed by unanimous decision Mr. Arnold Klingeis as HCR Ambassador in Romania, there was also a certification ceremony at the Brukenthal Palace CaféIt is worth noticing that Mr. Klingeis is the manager of Bruckenthal Palace Café and a very active person, former mayor of Avrig that provided huge media coverage of all HCR visits to Romania.

Mr. Klingeis organized a big press conference at the Bruckenthal Palace Café with the presence of national and regional Press. 

He also organized a Gala Cultural Event promoting HCR at the Bruckenthal Palace Café.

Revealing the first HCR sign

After the Press Conference at the Bruukenthal Palace Café, the first sign of HCR was revealed! The sign is displayed at the entrance of the Café, signifying that The Brukenthal Palace Café is a member of the Certified by the Council of Europe Cultural Route “Historic Cafés Route”.

From today, all Cafes – members can order, by sending an email to HCR official email,  the sign made by plexiglass to display. The sign is 20X50 cm, 1 cm thick with beautiful handmade finishing. 

Meetings with national and local authorities

Also, we had the chance of meeting the mayor of Sibiu, Mrs. Astrid Fodor, and have a fruitful and cordial meeting at the City Hall, and the mayor of Avrig, Adrian-Dumutru who participated in the press conference and promoted the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and in particular Historic Cafes Route. Both mayors agreed on being members and supporters of the Historic Cafés Route.

Finally, we had the opportunity to have a meeting regarding the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe at the Ministry of Culture of Romania. Alexandrou-Vasile Oprean – advisor to Minister Lucian Romașcanu received the executive team of HCR and Mr. Klingeis and stated that the ministry is going to support HCR, but also the initiatives CR in Romania.

Follow the Press Coverage

Below you will find some of the Press coverage of HCR in Romania:

Stirilor KANAL D: Brukenthal, pe lista europeană
ProTV: Palatul de vară Bruckenthal din Avrig, pe Ruta Culturală a Cafenelelor Istorice din Europa
Antena Observator: Palatul din România care a fermecat întreaga Europă. Reacţia unui turist străin, aflat aici în vacanţă: “Românii au făcut o treabă excelentă”
Monitorul – cj : Hotelul „Împăratul Romanilor” din Sibiu si Chios Social Lounge din Cluj, dorite în circuitul european al „Historic Cafes Route”
Sibiu in imagini –  Vizita echipei de conducere a Historic Cafes Route în România)
Eveniment Sibiu – În urma vizitei în România a conducerii executive a Historic Cafes Route, rețeaua europeană se extinde și devine mai puternică.)
Tribuna – În urma vizitei în România a conducerii executive a Historic Cafés Route, rețeaua europeană se extinde și devine mai puternică) 
Mesagerul de Sibiu – Hotelul ”Împăratul Romanilor” și ”Pardon Cafe” din Sibiu, dorite în circuitul european al ”Historic Cafes Route”
Ora de Sibiu – Hotelul Împăratul Romanilor și Pardon Cafe din Sibiu dorite în circuitul european al “Historic Cafes Route”
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