Symbol of three eras: the pastry room with the refined Louis XVI furniture of the Valabrega* company; the coffee room with the 1920s bar counter and the stucco ceiling in Baroque design and pastel colors; the room with Decò and rationalist hints created after 1930. All beautifully restored, even the perfect showcase.
The founders of Fiat and Lavazza have stopped here; Luigi Einaudi, second president of the Italian Republic, came to read; to write Cesare Pavese, who met the publisher Giulio Einaudi.
For decades it has been the ritual of hot chocolate after the last hour of the Liceo D’Azeglio, which has produced many ruling classes in Turin.
* Vittorio Valabrega became well-known for his furniture in the floral Art Nouveau style.

Caffè Platti
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 72, 10121 Torino, Italia
Tel : +39 011 454 6151
Facebook: PlattiPiu