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Nottingham Trent University: Workshop on the Cultural Routes Program – June 13 & 14

United Kingdom

This workshop brings together the UK members of the Cultural Routes Programme, along with relevant national UK heritage and tourism organisations, to explore the opportunities and challenges that the cultural routes present. It is designed to raise the profile of those Cultural Routes in which the UK is represented and to highlight future directions for further development.

Historic Cafés Route will participate in the event with George Loverdos, Route Manager and Mary Mystakidou, Communication Officer. They will speak on the second day about the Historic Cafés of Europe and the opportunities for SMEs.

Event details

The Council of Europe’s Cultural Routes Programme has been running successfully for over thirty years, linking destinations, heritage sites, museums and monuments across Europe for the purposes of cultural tourism, heritage protection and promotion, education and sustainable development. These trans-national networks follow former pilgrimage and trade routes and the ways of historic journeys so as to connect places and communities through common heritage and shared themes – from architecture to gastronomy, to the figures and events of European history, art, music and literature. These certified routes display a rich diversity of cultures but also the historic connections that continue to the present. Importantly, the Cultural Routes are instruments of local and regional economic and cultural development, through tourism, the creative industries, community engagement and place-making.

Nearly seventy sites and organisations across the United Kingdom participate in sixteen of the Council of Europe’s Cultural Routes. They are linked into opportunities for tourism, cultural and artistic exchange, youth development, education and research. As the Cultural Routes Programme expands, there are further opportunities to increase the UK’s involvement with the 46 Council of Europe member states, to initiate new networks and routes and to develop membership of the Enlarged Partial Agreement (EPA) on Cultural Routes.

This workshop brings together the UK members of the Cultural Routes Programme, along with relevant national UK heritage and tourism organisations, to explore the opportunities and challenges that the cultural routes present. It is designed to raise the profile of those Cultural Routes in which the UK is represented and to highlight future directions for further development.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • The UK and the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe
  • Building European partners and networks through the Cultural Routes Programme
  • Synergies with other heritage and cultural designations (World Heritage, Creative Cities etc.)
  • Sustainable tourism development
  • Promotion and marketing of trans-national routes
  • Route-based communities, economies and place-making
  • Funding for cultural route development

Event booking: Reserve your place


Photo: Website-Nottingham Trent University

Under the support of:

Region of Crete

Under the Αuspices of:

Regional Unit of Chania


Municipality of Chania


Chania Chamber of commerce & Industry


Historical Archive of Crete

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