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Mrs. Patrizia Falcinelli, Italian Ambassador to Athens, expresses full support for the “Historic Cafes Route” initiative (18.11.2021)

In the framework of her visit to Crete, Patrizia Falcinelli, the new Italian Ambassador to Athens, paid a visit to the Historic Cafe “Kipos” and expressed her full personal support as well as the support of the Italian Embassy for the “Historic Cafes Route” initiative and for every other initiative aimed at promoting the friendship between the two countries and Culture in general.

Mrs. Falcinelli, who was received and briefed by Mr. Vassilis Stathakis, Founder and President of the International Cultural Organization, described the initiative to create the “Historic Cafes Route” expected to be incorporated in the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe as “innovative and interesting” and promised not only the support of the Italian Embassy but also any other kind of assistance capable of promoting friendship and Culture.

Mrs. Falcinelli stated she was very pleased to be in Chania, emphasized the commonalities uniting the Greeks and the Italians, and was informed about the issues that matter most to the Italian community of the city.

The Ambassador said she was very impressed by the history and the atmosphere of the Historic Cafe “Kipos” but also by the famous personalities who have visited its premises.

Mr. Vassilis Stathakis informed Mrs. Falcinelli about the activities of the “Historic Cafes Route” International Cultural Organization and about the Historic Cafes that are expected to join such International Cultural Organization.

He also referred to the contribution of the “Historic Cafes Route” in the twinning of the Municipality of Chania with the city of Menfi in Sicily, which is a candidate city for European Capital of Wine for 2022.

In this regard, Mr. Stathakis also informed the Ambassador that, following the initiative of the “Historic Cafes Route”, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Chania came into contact with that of Turin, while the “Associazione Caffè Storici e Salotti Sabaudi” of Turin consisting of ten members is expected to also join the “Historic Cafes Route”.

Mr. Stahtakis also touched upon the cooperation with the Office of Cultural Routes of Venice and the prospect of including the Historic Cafes of the city of the Doges in the “Historic Cafes” Routes”.

Emphasis was also placed on the event co-organized by the “Historic Cafes Route” and the Wine Cultural Route “Iter Vitis” and the cooperation agreement that was signed, as was done with the Cultural Route “Chocolate Way” and the “Phoenicians Route”.

Mr. Stahtakis also mentioned the joint support action undertaken in cooperation with the Historic Cafes of Trieste regarding the future of “Café Greco” in Rome, which despite its long history and crucial role in the historical heritage of Italy and Europe, has been faced with the risk of character and use alteration.

Mr. Tiziano Calabrese, president of the Association “Friends of Italy”, mentioned, among other things, the goals of the Αssociation, namely the promotion and a deeper awareness of the Italian Culture.

Lastly, Mrs. Falcinelli was given a tour of the premises of the Historic Cafe “Kipos” and enjoyed an interlude by Tiziano Calabrese playing the guitar and Edmond Alexi playing the violin.

Under the support of:

Region of Crete

Under the Αuspices of:

Regional Unit of Chania


Municipality of Chania


Chania Chamber of commerce & Industry


Historical Archive of Crete

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