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Mikis Theodorakis – A year since his death


One year is completed in September (2/9/2021) 2022 from the death of the world-renowned and award-winning composer Mikis Theodorakis.

Therefore Historic Cafés Route proposes to the HCR members a series of events based on the work of the Greek composer, which was characterized not only by his melodies but also by the imprint he left as a legacy for future generations.

The HCR Scientific Committee in collaboration with researchers will provide relevant details of his life and work, so that the Cafés can choose the way to honor him and keep his memory and work alive and up to date.

At the same time, HCR plans – at the end of the cycle of events – to hold a joint event in September 2023 (Northern Italy is proposed) that will include a forum, printed material and a musical tribute.

It is thus suggested to the members to choose which topic suits them best (for example):

  • Mikis Theodorakis & Cinema
  • The least known but famous melodic poems
  • Unknown aspects of the composer Mikis Theodorakis

Printed or audio material should be created for each event and of course the above proposals are not restrictive at all. All suggestions are welcome.

The joint event will incorporate all research and part of the events that have taken place until then.

More details about the events will be announced in due course, while the proposal will be discussed on the “Forum” platform that will be on air soon on HCR website.

It should be noted that Café-members are able to start the events from September 2022 on the occasion of the one year anniversary of Mikis Theodorakis death.



Griekse componistdirigent (in Amsterdam) Mikis Theodorakis op Rembrandtplein, Bestanddeelnr 929-5497








Greek composer in Amsterdam, Netherlands

Wikimedia Commons – Koen Suyk / Anefo, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons 

Under the support of:

Region of Crete

Under the Αuspices of:

Regional Unit of Chania


Municipality of Chania


Chania Chamber of commerce & Industry


Historical Archive of Crete

Historic Cafes Route © 2025. All Rights Reserved. – Web Design & Development by

All material is protected under the copyright, related rights and cultural matters law 

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