Mr Vasilis Stathakis, Founder and President of EHICA went through a series of meetings in order to promote the hosting of the 10th International Forum “Cultural Routes” of the Council of Europe that will be held in Chania in 2020.
Mr Stathakis met on Monday, July 9, 2018, with the Hellenic Minister of Tourism. Mrs. Elena Kountoura, and talked about the preparations of the forum. She was also briefed on the new “Cultural Route”, the Route of “Historic Cafes”. Mrs Kountoura stressed that the Hellenic Ministry of Tourism and EOT will support these efforts as any initiative that promotes tourism and contributes to the strengthening of the international image and reputation of Greece.
(See the Tourism Ministry Press Release here)
On Tuesday, July 10, 2018, Mr. Stathakis met with the Hellenic Minister of Culture and Sports, Mrs. Lydia Koniordou, to inform her about the preparations of the forum and the new “Cultural Route”, the Route of the Historic Cafes. The Hellenic Minister of Culture stressed that she will support both these initiatives.
On Wednesday, July 11, 2018, Mr. Stathakis met with the President of the Greek National Committee for UNESCO, Mrs. Aikaterini Tzitzikostas to inform her about the role and initiatives of EHICA, as well as the preparation of the forum, and briefed her about the new “Cultural Route” the “Historic Cafes Route”. Mrs. Tzitzikostas stressed that the above initiatives would have her support.

The Founder and President of (EHICA), Mr. Vassilis Stathakis with the Hellenic Minister of Tourism, Mrs. Elena Kountoura

From right, the President of the Greek National Committee for UNESCO Mrs. Maria - Aikaterini Papachristopoulou Tzitzikosta, the Founder and President of (EHICA), Mr. Vassilis Stathakis and the Hellenic Minister of Tourism, Mrs. Elena Kountoura