During the 25th and 26th of September 2017, the founder and president of European Historic Cafes Association (EHICA) Vasilis Stathakis visited owners of historical cafes at Viareggio, Florence, Lucca…
Strasbourg, 25.09.2017 – A Europe rich in history, heritage and values: the Council of Europe Cultural Routes’ programme celebrates its 30th anniversary, on the occasion of the 7th Advisory Forum…
Subject: Participation of European Historic Cafes Association at the International Conference
“European Culture Routes 2017” in Lucca, Italy – First contacts for the establishment of the “Route of
the Historic…
As part of strengthening the communication of the Association’s actions and objectives to Cultural Institutions of our country, a meeting was held at the “Creative Europe” Desk of the Ministry…
25-29.09.2016: The European Historic Cafés Association made a trip to Brussels and Luxembourg, from 25th to 29th October 2016, with a view to reinforcing the communication of the Association’s actions…
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