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Historic Cafés and Youth


Historic Cafés have centuries of history, shaping the social, political and cultural identity of Europe, but this does not mean that they are features of the past. On the contrary, HC are very much interested in today’s youth.

In fact, Historic Cafés shall be a must to new generations, handing over all knowledge and historical continuity, contributing to the preservation of common traditions.

While the international environment is being transformed, Historic Cafés must meet the challenges by adapting to digital reality and new ways of communicating.

Therefore, HCR proposes a series of events and actions addressed to the new generation while also asking the HCR members their opinions and suggestions through an online discussion that will be on air soon on the “Forum” (chat rooms) in our website.

Suggestions for the events:

  • Collaborations with Universities, youth organizations – such as the European Erasmus program – for organizing events with thematic units inside the Cafés but also events that concern exclusively students and some categories of employees (thematic).
  • Acquaintance programs of the area that are addressed exclusively to young people and concern local production, such as agricultural cooperatives, ecological farms or local art workshops (e.g. glass, ceramics) but also associations of production and standardization of local products.
  • Programs that are addressed to students and concern the history of each region each HC is located in, in collaboration with university courses. For example, visits and seminars for a region of Spain, France, or Greece. This could be done by visiting (for example) sites of archaeological excavations, or even participating in them, etc.

In addition to programs related to one or more events, specific programs could have a maximum duration of one week of presentation of each area that will cover a wider range of activities: visits to museums, archeological sites, local art workshops and local production.

We also suggest

  • Seminars and events with special topics addressed to young people, by the new generation of modern technology as thematic workshops.


Photo: Pixabay

Under the support of:

Region of Crete

Under the Αuspices of:

Regional Unit of Chania


Municipality of Chania


Chania Chamber of commerce & Industry


Historical Archive of Crete

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