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HCR member “Caffè San Marco” in world’s 10 top bookstores!

France, “Les Echos”

Unsurprisingly to us, Caffè San Marco in Trieste -member of HCR- is listed among the world’s top ten and loveliest bookstores.

The Caffè run by Alexandros Delithanassis who is also the HCR Official Representative in Trieste has been heavily praised by the French daily Les Echos on the occasion of the annual Paris Book Fair held at “Porte de Versailles”.

Alexandros Delithanassis posted on FB: 

“Being in the 10 best bookstores in the world in New York, Tokyo, Sao Paulo… A huge satisfaction. Thanks to everyone to Loriana Ursich of course but also to all the readers and friends of our beautiful café”

(Essere nelle 10 librerie migliori al mondo fra New York, Tokyo, San Paolo ….Una enorme soddisfazione. Un grazie a tutti a Loriana Ursich ovviamente ma anche a tutti i lettori e agli amici del nostro bellissimo Caffè.)

The article of the French daily Les Echos on the occasion of the annual Paris Book Fair held at “Porte de Versailles”:

Trieste, Caffè San Marco A literary salon on the Adriatic

Designed in 1902 by the architect Giorgio Polli, destroyed during the First World War by Austro-Hungarian troops, long abandoned, the bookshop was later rebuilt with antique furniture in the Art Deco style and Austrian influence. The writers James Joyce, Italo Svevo, Rainer Maria Rilke or Claudio Magris frequented it in turn as regulars. The warm atmosphere of the woodwork, mirrors and paintings is a perfect setting for the books on offer. Saved from demolition in 2013, Caffè San Marco continues to be this intellectual meeting place where one enjoys rediscovering the smells of the past and the nostalgia of Mitteleuropa. You can have lunch there on superb marble tables, just order a pastry, drink a cocktail or a cappuccino on vintage benches.

In French:

Trieste, Caffè San Marco Un salon littéraire sur l’Adriatique

Dessinée en 1902 par l’architecte Giorgio Polli, détruite pendant la Première Guerre mondiale par les troupes austro-hongroises, longtemps laissée à l’abandon, la librairie a été reconstruite ensuite avec un mobilier ancien de style Art déco et d’influence autrichienne. Les écrivains James Joyce, Italo Svevo, Rainer Maria Rilke ou Claudio Magris l’ont fréquentée tour à tour en habitués. L’ambiance chaude des boiseries, des miroirs et des peintures est un écrin parfait pour les livres qui y sont proposés. Sauvé de la démolition en 2013, Caffè San Marco continue d’être ce lieu de rendez-vous intellectuel où l’on se plait à retrouver les odeurs du passé et la nostalgie de la Mitteleuropa. On peut y déjeuner sur de superbes tables en marbres, y commander juste une pâtisserie, y boire un cocktail ou un cappuccino sur des banquettes vintage.


Caffè San Marco, Via Cesar Battisti 18, 34125 Trieste

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Region of Crete

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Regional Unit of Chania


Municipality of Chania


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