Café Le Cirio, one of Brussels’s most famous Cafes, is located on the northern side of the Belgian capital, very close to the famous Grand Place.
Café Le Cirio bears the name of its founder, Francesco Cirio, who also was the founder of one of the first tomato canning factories in Belgium. Café Le Cirio was inaugurated in 1886 and keeps up to date its authentic Art Nouveau decoration.
Café Le Cirio began its operation at a time when the Belgian capital, like other major cities in Europe (Paris, Vienna, Rome, Madrid, etc.), was flooded with luxurious Cafes, which soon became places of meeting of the intellectuals of the 19th century, famous writers, scientists, musicians, artists, actors, etc. Café Le Cirio was one of the favorites Cafés of the famous writers Victor Hugo and Alexandros Doumas. This Historic Cafe was also a meeting place for Belgian surrealist painters and members of the CoBrA artistic group.

Rue De La Bourse 18 – 20
Belgium Brussels
Tel: +32 2 512 13 95