Cafe Centrál opened in 1887 and was the center of various Hungarian literature and scientific streams throughout the 19th and 20th century. Between 1890 and 1945, well-known writers and poets gathered at the Cafe Central to edit literary journals! Cafe Central was also an important meeting point for scientists, composers, and artists.
The mission of Cafe Central is to preserve the Hungarian tradition being a popular catering spot of great quality, as well as a venue for social and cultural programs.
The 125-year-old Cafe Centrál wishes to recreate the atmosphere of an era which everyone refers to as the golden age of Hungarian gastronomy. The traditions of these years are immortal and live on in the taste and flavor of our dishes up to this day.

Centrál Café
1053 Budapest, Károlyi Mihály u. 9.
Tel: + 36 1 266 2110