HCR and the Women Writers Route, both certified Cultural Routes by the Council of Europe (2022) have signed a Collaboration Agreement with the aim of giving value to the cultural tangible and intangible heritage linked to the tradition of Cafés and women writers, two important aspects in the development of European and international societies.
Historic Cafés and Women Writers Route represent two themes deeply connected with the history of mankind for centuries and of European and Mediterranean societies in particular. Therefore there are many connections between them and reflected in their culture. The Historic Cafés are a genuine example of this connection: women frequented Historic Cafés, reading or writing books in the Cafés refined rooms better known as the cradles of the cultural, political, and civil society life of their towns.
As the collaboration agreement states: “The books by women writers and their culture have been and spread throughout the centuries through Historic Cafés and their link continues today, also thanks to the valorization of their traditions and cultural identities, also thanks to the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe. They can offer multiple hints for historical study, cultural enhancement, sustainable commercial and touristic development, with a view to growing local territories and communities, as the main actors of itineraries.
Starting from these premises, this agreement aims at promoting opportunities for cross-exchange between two Cultural Routes that both tell millenary stories, stimulating a new co-design and collaboration in terms of analysis, creation of combined tourism products between neighboring territories while belonging to different cultural itineraries, local enhancement actions, promotion of sustainable and experiencing tourism, on the one hand, linked to local communities, on the other inserted in a network with a European and international dimension.”
On the occasion of the signing of the collaboration agreement the President of the Women Writers Route, Mrs. Andreja Rihter stated: “The experiences have shown that the cooperation of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe is absolutely necessary if we want this wonderful programme to function better and reach higher visibility. It fills me with pride and joy that the Women Writers Route signed its first cooperation agreement with the Historic Cafés Route. It is not just that both Routes were certified as Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe in the same year, they also have much in common. In the late 19th and early 20th century, it was women writers who paved the way to more equal and open society and the Cafés were often places that gave space and spiritual environment for such ideas. Besides, both Routes have exceptional stories to share. Stories that cry for new common activities.”
It is worth noticing that the “Historic Cafés Route”, with this collaboration agreement aim also at the development of international cooperation in the field of cultural, sustainable, creative tourism, following the principles of local development, support for tourism companies and small and medium-sized enterprises.
“The Women Writers Route and Historic Cafés Route meet for the first time in May 2022 in Luxembourg during the regular Certification Cycle. During our conversations, it was perfectly clear that Historic Cafés were one of the natural places to promote Women Writers and their literature through the centuries. Since our first meeting, HCR and WWR have always worked together and especially within the Training Academy which was an opportunity for more collaboration and discussing common events always aiming to reach the citizenry. HCR and the WWR work together to promote and protect the intangible European cultural heritage, to create new cultural touristic products, and to implement sustainability at our future common events and projects ” stated, George Loverdos, HCR Route Manager.