Trends Vassilis Stathakis, official guest of the Mayor of Loulé, Portugal on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Historic Cafe Calcinha – The oldest Ηistoric Cafe of Lisbon became the newest member of EHICA – 50 the Historic Cafes – members of EHICAByHistoric Cafes RouteJune 12, 20190Comments
Trends Founder and President of EHICA in Loule, Portugal, as one of the keynote speakers on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Historic Café Calcinha (5.6.2019)ByHistoric Cafes RouteMay 30, 20190Comments
Trends Meeting of the President of the Republic of Cyprus Nikos Anastasiadis with the Founder and President of the European Historic Cafes Association, Vasilis StathakisByHistoric Cafes RouteMay 23, 20190Comments
Trends EHICA’s Journey in Vienna, Salzburg, Bratislava & Budapest – Meetings at the Greek Embassy in Vienna and Budapest – 9 more Historic Cafes joined EHICA (11.11.2018 – 18.11.2018)ByHistoric Cafes RouteMarch 26, 20190Comments
Trends The European Historic Cafes Association (EHICA) in Trieste for the inauguration of Italy’s “Lega for the Protection of Historic Literary Cafes” (23.10.2018)ByHistoric Cafes RouteMarch 26, 20190Comments
Trends Union of Mayors of Crete event – Vasilis Sthathakis was awarded (17.10.2018)ByHistoric Cafes RouteMarch 26, 20190Comments
Trends Visit of the President of the Hellenic Republic Mr. Prokopis Pavlopoulos to the Historic Cafe “Kipos” (3.10.2018)ByHistoric Cafes RouteMarch 26, 20190Comments
Trends EHICA at the Council of Europe’s 8th International Forum Cultural Routes in Gorlitz, Germany (26-28 September 2018)ByHistoric Cafes RouteMarch 26, 20190Comments
Trends Meeting of the President of the Hellenic Republic Mr. Prokopis Pavlopoulos with the Founder & President of the European Historic Cafes Association, Mr. Vasilis Stathakis (16.7.2018)ByHistoric Cafes RouteMarch 26, 20190Comments
Trends Meetings of the Founder and President of (EHICA), Mr. Vassilis Stathakis with the Hellenic Minister of Tourism, Mrs. Elena Kountoura, the Hellenic Minister of Culture and Sports, Mrs. Lydia Koniordou, and the President of the Greek National Committee for UNESCO Mrs. Maria – Aikaterini Papachristopoulou Tzitzikosta.ByHistoric Cafes RouteMarch 26, 20190Comments